Gen Z will change the world. Period. Whether or not Gen Z will change the world for Christ is yet to be determined. Our aim at Oaks International Collegiate is to reach students for Jesus Christ, help them mature as disciples themselves, and send them out to whatever adventure the Lord has for them after college. We want to raise up “Oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor (Isaiah 61:3).” We believe college students will change the world... for Christ! Oaks International’s focus on the campus is simple. We have a laser-like focus on E.D.M.- Evangelism, Discipleship, and Missions Mobilization.
Evangelism - Every student deserves to hear about the free gift of salvation Jesus offers. In a world that has become increasingly secular, confused, and distant from God, we are pursuing students on the campuses of America with the good news and hope of salvation found in Christ alone. We go to them, we meet them where they are at, and we engage with them during one of the most unique seasons of their life.
Discipleship - Jesus was all about training his disciples. We are too. Yes, we want students to come to faith in Jesus Christ, but we don’t want them to stop there! We want them to become mature, robust, fruitful disciples of Jesus. As they mature, we want them to help their peers come to know Christ and become disciplemakers as well. We desire to see these young men and women flourishing in their relationship with God. We want them to look like Jesus, talk like Jesus, serve like Jesus, know the Bible like Jesus, love like Jesus, pray like Jesus, give like Jesus. In short, we want them to reflect Jesus to the world around them. We want mature disciples who can make other disciples of Jesus on every campus.
Missions Mobilization - Our name reaffirms one of our greatest goals... international impact. Many of the major mission movements of the past 200 years were ignited by college students. At Oaks International we aim to see students come to know Christ, become disciples of Christ, and be sent into all the world for Christ. We want to help students become “world-wide Christians.” The nations of the world are on God’s heart; therefore it is on our heart as well. We want to give students opportunities to experience God in other countries, cultures, and contexts. Our campus ministries have an emphasis on reaching the world for Christ... nothing less will do.
Where can I find an Oaks International Campus Ministry?
Currently we have over 50 full-time Oaks International staff on over a dozen campuses in 8 different states with more on the way. We may be a new name to some, but our campus workers have years of experience in campus ministry. Our 11 current campus directors have over 150 years of combined experience. Reach out to us on our Contact page to learn more about how you can get connected to a ministry!