Our Mission
To proclaim Christ and multiply disciplemakers for the glory of God and the joy of all nations.
Our Vision
We envision a flourishing network of mature disciplemakers who know, love, and boldly proclaim Christ and His Word. Together, they give their lives to win new believers, make disciples, and reproduce spiritual generations who are passionate to reach the nations.
Our story
Isaiah 61:3 speaks of "oaks of righteousness" - men and women who are the "planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified." These oaks of righteousness are ones impacted by the Messiah (Isaiah 61:1-3) such that they will impact generations and nations (61:4). This is in the immediate context following the promise of Isaiah 60:22 about least ones becoming a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation.
As this mission shares the gospel, our aim is to make disciples of Jesus who can reproduce. As an oak tree grows from an acorn into a large, strong, firmly rooted tree, it also becomes a seed bearer that produces many more acorns. These acorns become oaks that become forests. As a poet once expressed: "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." This is the vision we have for planting oaks of righteousness, by God's grace.
Oak trees signify strength, as Ephesians 6:10 calls us to be strong in the Lord. Oaks represent something living, organic, and growing, which are common themes in Scripture. These mighty trees are also firmly rooted. Consider the rooted tree imagery paired with the four core values categories of this new mission: Christ, Word, Mission, People. These oaks are rooted in Christ (Colossians 2:6-7); rooted in the Word (Psalm 1); rooted in God's mission (Matthew 28:18-20), and rooted in investing in people (1 Thessalonians 2:8).